Welcome to the Healthy Healing Expo Blog

The Healthy Healing Expo Blog is a public forum for practitioners, individuals and organizations in the Southwest Florida area to provide educational, motivational and inspirational information to further the cause of energy medicine. It is our mission to provide a safe, non-intrusive environment for anyone to explore the power of energy healing by focusing less on the mysticism, and more on education to support the credibility and accessibility of spiritual and natural energy healing modalities. For more info visit www.healthyhealingexpo.com

Friday, April 3, 2009

Addiction Alchemy

Hello there! My name is Renee Bledsoe and I am the founder of Addiction Alchemy. I am proud to be introducing you to Addiction Alchemy at the Healthy Healing Expo. So are you wondering what Addiction Alchemy is? I hope so...

Addiction Alchemy is a holistic, self-help pathworking system for addiction recovery, based on the Medicine Wheel model. The Medicine Wheel can help anyone regardless of race, culture, gender or belief system to transform the process of addiction at the core level. It works with any addiction and most especially "hidden" addictions, attachments and other issues that may not be readily recognized as addictions such as codependency, negative/compulsive thought and behavioral patterns, high functioning autism/Aspergers, physical and mental illness.

The power of the Medicine Wheel is in its shape; It is a circle. Life is cyclical, it is not a linear process. Consequently complete recovery isn't about just getting from point a to point b. The wheel makes recovery an organic process, helping you to master your life by giving you the keys to bring into awareness the interconnectedness of all things. Addiction Alchemy and the Medicine Wheel is a portal to the place beyond sobriety. Addiction Alchemy and the Medicine Wheel is an integrative medicine model for holistic healing that is as relevant today for modern man as it was for indigenous cultures thousands of years ago.

The strength of the Medicine Wheel lies in its ability to be both absolute and relative. North, South, East, West, Up, Down and Center are at once inarguable guide markers and yet remain relative to YOU! You are the center of your universe and you are the one making this trip. Addiction Alchemy allows you to meet yourself where you are at on the map of your own consciousness, and as such can help you track and navigate your life with a better sense of direction and momentum in time and space.

Each new direction on the wheel will fine tune your awareness, alerting you to signs along the way to help keep you on path, giving you often hidden information about yourself and your world, validating that you are exactly where you should be in your process and most of all that you are making progress! As you work with your own energies, environmental energies, unseen forces and most importantly other people the wheel helps you to remove negative influences and increase the flow of positive energy into your life. Through your power of choice as you make better decisions you develop greater peace, clarity, focus, courage, wisdom and understanding.

As we travel the wheel we become ever increasingly aware of how to get present to our life, make sense of our past, re-script our future, and live in the now. We heal our lives on every level as we heal our relationship to our self, to others and to the world. Addiction Alchemyhelps us to reconnect to our center and integrate all that we are, not in spite of our addiction, but because of them. Exploring our addictions can bring us into contact with parts of our psyche and our potential that we would otherwise have never known existed.

We ultimately come to understand as we come full circle that as bad as it might have been, the seeds of our own greatness have lain dormant within our darkness and those things we could not face. We see the whole truth about ourselves and that we do have the courage to face the truth, integrate it into the light and own our legacy because that is where our true fulfillment lies. Every human being that heals the process of addiction within themselves heals the world. This, in fact, is one of the key messages of addiction: Physician Heal Thyself.

To find out more please visit www.AddictionAlchemy.com where you will find hundreds of resources, interactive things to do and hopefully a little inspiration and motivation for your journey!

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